Thursday, July 24, 2008

Globalization Is Failing

After few years of WTO (World Trade Organization), the government of developing countries had expected some benefits but they were disappointed because the benefits did not occur. Many of agreements also have a transition period of five years before implementation, so the worst aspects are yet to come. Even so, developing countries are beginning to feel the pinch. As they formulate new national laws to take into account the Uruguay Round Agreements, they are coming to realize that the agreements contain many imbalances that harm them.
Developing countries have had to reduce their import duties after a grace period. Governments will be more and more prohibited from giving domestic and export subsidies to farmers.
In many countries, NGOs and farmers have expressed great concern that if the import duties have to go down progressively, while at the same time Europe and the US continue to heavily subsidize their exports, then the farmers in developing countries will face great competition from imports and their livelihoods will be threatened. Studies in the Philippines already show how cheaper imports due to liberalization are causing grave problems for Filipino farmers. The situation will get worse in the next five to ten years.


Anonymous said...

Yang kaya bertambah kaya, yang miskin bertambah miskin.

Fortune Thinker said...

Ini akan menyebabkan inflasi dunia.

Anonymous said...

Perjuangan manusia pada akhir zaman ialah membanyakkan fail, carta dan kertas kerja. Ia boleh mengabui mata, tetapi tidak menghasilkan apa-apa.